Introducing NounSwap
Dec 4, 2023

We're excited to introduce NounSwap (, a tool that helps Noun owners swap their Noun for another Noun in the treasury. Whether you're eyeing a specific Noun in the treasury or just want to explore what nouns are available, NounSwap makes browsing and creating a proposal to swap your Nouns possible.
How it works
Choose the Noun you want: Look through the treasury and pick a Noun you like.
Select your Noun to swap: Decide which one of your Nouns you’d like to offer in the swap and approve it so the Treasury can swap your Noun if your proposal is successful.
Create a Swap Proposal: Finally, approve the CreateProp transaction. This will create a proposal in Nouns Governance. If the proposal passes, the swap will be automatically executed, and you'll receive the Noun you wanted.
Want to try NounSwap but don’t have a Noun? We've deployed NounSwap on the Goerli testnet, complete with a functional testnet frontend so you can get a testnet Noun and create swap proposals! Want to see how it all works? Check out the NounSwap Github Repo.
Creating a Swap Prop on NounSwap.
How NounSwap Started
The idea for this project started with a cast from ToadyHawk.eth that caught our attention. His idea struck a chord with us because we had faced similar challenges while navigating the world of Lil’Nouns.
NounSwap is much more than just a tool for swapping digital assets. As shared by Toady Hawk in the original thread, it's a tool for enriching the entire Nouns community experience. NounSwap is designed to empower Noun Holders with the freedom to choose and trade Nouns that they feel a personal connection with.
"People with nouns they love (aesthetically) are probably more aligned, less likely to sell or fork. Allows anyone to gamify 'trading up' to a better token number or aesthetic, while also acting as a practical way for 'scouted' nouners to Choose their Character." — Toady Hawk, Warpcast

Original cast by Toady Hawk
Looking Ahead
Today marks the first milestone with the initial release of NounSwap. Currently, each swap on NounSwap requires a prop to be created and approval from the Nouns Governance, a decision we made to get the NounSwap MVP in the hands of the community quickly. However, based on community feedback and pending DAO approval, we plan to evolve NounSwap into a platform that supports permissionless swapping. This shift will enable Noun owners to make instant, direct swaps with the treasury without the need for a prop or the wait for governance approval.
Special thanks to Toady Hawk for kickstarting this project and supporting along the way and BenBodhi for your insights! Thanks also goes to all members of the Nouns community who contributed their thoughts and feedback.
We're excited about the future possibilities of NounSwap, stay tuned and happy swapping everyone. Have questions or feedback? Feel free to reach out on X.